Learning Commons
Junior School
The Junior school is made up from students in Year 7 through to Year 10. Learning in Year 7 and 8 is integrated.
All of their learning is through a specific context and their programs for Literacy, Numeracy and Social Studies are integrated within that. These Year levels are based in one of five hāpori – communities. Each of these consists of 4 -5 classes made up of students from both year levels. All students in Year 7 and 8 enjoys programs in the Arts, Technology, Te Ao Māori and Science at both year levels.
Learning for students in Year 9 and 10 is specialised. Students are in a class within their own year level. They move from one teacher and learning area to another for all of their subjects.
Their classes are made up of students from a single year level. They move as a class from one teacher and learning area to another. Students at these year levels all do a full course of Science.
In Year 9 all students take a one term program in the Arts, Te Ao Māori and Technology and have the opportunity to select another program from the options provided. In Year 10 students can select two programs from the range on offer. These programs run for two terms.
Learning Commons
Senior School
The Senior school is made up from students in Year 11 through to Year 13. Learning in these Year levels is personalised.
In Year 11 and 12, English and Maths are compulsory subjects. Students can select four other subjects from the broad range of learning areas and various disciplines on offer.
They can also access secondary/tertiary partnership opportunities, trades courses, university papers and scholarship level subjects.