Our Library

Our new 220 sqm modern library opened in October 2023. It is named Te Pōhoi Toroa after the large ocean-going albatross that once flourished in this area.
Its feathers were a highly prized taonga.
The kupe whakarite of ‘Te Pōhoi Toroa’ refers to something that is highly treasured and the stories, knowledge and opportunities of this space are a taonga for our young people.
Our Library
Library Location
Located on the first floor, Te Pōhoi Toroa overlooks our playing fields and captures the sun throughout the day.
It features dedicated small group, large group, and technology rich areas, as well as housing more than 16,000 books. There are soft furnishings for students to relax and read and break out spaces for more dedicated research or learning.

Our Library
Library Website
The Pāpāmoa College eLibrary offers an extensive range of Digital audiobooks and Ebooks for students to enjoy anyime, great for holiday reading!
Access our online library web app here (Students need their school login details to login)